Show all Landscapes Abstracts Portraits Untitled (Watercolor 2) Untitled (Watercolor 1) Cast from the Heavens (Biblical Series) Escape From the Jaws of Beelzebub (Biblical Series) The Wife of Lot (Biblical Series) Untitled (Abstract 10) Untitled (The Collage) Untitled (Portrait) Untitled (Black Birches) Untitled (The Birches) Untitled (WC Anguish) Untitled (The Girl) Untitled (Local Farm) Bottom of Prospect Park (Providence, RI) Untitled (John Lennon) Untitled (Neighbor's Door) Untitled (Trey Too) Untitled (To Mom) Untitled (Winter Barn) Untitled (Abstract 6) Untitled (WC family) Untitled (Grandpa) Untitled (Anguish) Homage to Willem da Kooning From the Yellow House Untitled (Abstract 2) Untitled (Abstract 2) Untitled (Abstract 3) The Day He Took to Rest (Biblical Series) Untitled (Abstract 8) Untitled (Jeep) Untitled (Girl through Car Window) Untitled (Abstract 7) Ghosts of Brett Untitled (Abstract 4) Untitled (Self-portrait) Untitled (Chinese Inking 2) Untitled (Chinese Inking) Untitled (Plane Crash) Untitled (Road Trip) Untitled (Holocaust) Untitled (On American Flag) On The Ground House In Motion Untitled (Tractor Trailer) Untitled (Tanker) Untitled (Barn) Untitled (WC Sherrill 3) Untitled (WC Sherrill 5) Untitled (WC Sherrill 2) Untitled (WC Sherrill 1) Untitled (WC Sherrill 4) Pair of Dice Untitled (Abstract 9) The Centrum 98 Series 1 The Centum 98 Series 2 Tiger Woods after show with Woody Shepherd Untitled (Uncle Sam Golfer) Untitled (FB abstract 5) Untitled (FB abstract 3) Untitled (Abstract 5) Hallways of My Mind Untitled (Jimi Hendrix) Wiley Mud Where They Lived Untitled (WC Local) Untitled Untitled (Armageddon) Untitled (Brett) Untitled (Biblical Series) Untitled (Golfer On Top Of The World) Untitled (Man) Untitled (The Road) Untitled (FB abstract 4) War Within the Brain The Finale